Through behavioral data, customer insights and technologies we strive to better understand and optimize every step to help businesses develop a truely customer-centric organization.
Qwesteo offer you patented solutions to collect effectively customers perception and capture thousands of customer feedbacks.
You get an unique customer satisfaction score (Qwesteo Customer Score) and powerful analysis tools.
Your action plans will finally be linked to your customer expectations and are measurable over time.
Making a change and going for a customer centric strategy is today's an absolute neccessity. But for that, you will need reliable customer satisfaction indicators and clear goals in order to...
During the past centuries, major retail firms have based their strategies on providing the largest offer at the lowest price... forgeting an essential factor : the customer experience...
Since the 25th of May 2018, the GRDP regulations (law applicable within European Union) is protecting your private online datas and the datas from your users...
We focus on development around behavior areas and target change
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